"Simply The Best"

Girls Troop News

Current news for Troop 893 for Girls

893G Troop News – 6 June 2021

By |2021-08-28T19:03:26+00:00August 28th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

Scoutmaster Moment This weekend was an eventful weekend for Troop 893G History with two Eagle Courts of Honor in a 3-day timeframe. M. S. and C. A.  celebrated their achievement of earning Eagle, wrapping up the Troop’s Inaugural Eagle celebrations. One of my favorite parts of any Eagle ceremony is watching the new Eagle taking the oath with [...]

893G Troop News – 30 May 2021

By |2021-08-27T01:29:49+00:00August 27th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

Scoutmaster Moment Memorial Day Weekend always marks the start of Summer activities as well as the 893 annual canoe trip!  This year summer weather went on holiday and the Scouts of 893 showed resilience, overcoming rain and cold to have fun on the Shenandoah River.  We had 38 canoes and 18 kayaks carry over 100 people, this may be record [...]

893G Troop News – 23 May 2021

By |2021-08-27T01:26:29+00:00August 27th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

Scoutmaster Moment Saturday was a Troop hike through the Manassas National Battlefield, and I’m disappointed to have missed going with the Troop due to another Scouting commitment. This hike had been planned for later in the day, but weather was forecasted to be hot.  As we know a Scout is prepared, multiple people suggested an earlier start to mitigate overheating [...]

893G Troop News – 16 May 2021

By |2021-08-27T01:19:18+00:00August 27th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

Scoutmaster Moment This weekend marks a major milestone for our Troop - the first Eagle Court of Honor.  While yesterday’s celebration was in celebration of Elena and Robert, and we have another two coming in the next few weeks, I see this as a celebration for the entire troop and all that has been accomplished since we started just over [...]

893G Troop News – 9 May 2021

By |2021-08-27T01:12:47+00:00August 27th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

Scoutmaster Moment Today is Mother’s Day, I do hope you have given a hug to your mom today and able to spend some time enjoying the day with her. Here is a thing my heart wishes the world had more of:   I heard it in the air of one night when I listened   To [...]

893G Troop News – 2 May 2021

By |2021-08-27T00:47:41+00:00August 27th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

Scoutmaster Moment May is here, celebrating the start of May began as an ancient celebration of Spring and now in the US we officially kick off Summer over Memorial Day.  Perhaps you have even begun the countdown to the last day of school?  This month we have the first Eagle Court of Honor (to be followed [...]

893G Troop News – 25 Apr 2021

By |2021-08-27T00:44:44+00:00August 27th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

Scoutmaster Moment Everyone has likely heard of Paul Revere and his Midnight Ride on 18 April 1775, did you know that a 16 year old girl made a similar ride two years after Paul Revere’s? On April 26, 1777 at the request of her father a Revolutionary Colonel, Sybil Ludington is said to have ridden her [...]

893G Troop News – 18 Apr 2021

By |2021-08-27T00:42:18+00:00August 27th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

Scoutmaster Moment This weekend we returned to camping, setting out tents and sitting around the campfire, certainly welcome after so long cooped up! The weather was sunny, part of the time, and a bit cooler than expected - but it was dry and we accomplished so much. I’m very tired, but quite happy to be back [...]

893G Troop News – 11 Apr 2021

By |2021-08-27T00:37:11+00:00August 27th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

Scoutmaster Moment Today was a beautiful day to be outside honing leadership skills and planning some great troop activities for the term.  I’m very pleased at how the team is coming together and excited at some of the activities worked towards.  Let’s hope all our outings have such great weather (the thunderstorm even waited until dinner [...]

893G Troop News – 5 Apr 2021

By |2021-08-27T00:33:23+00:00August 27th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

Scoutmaster Moment With apologies for the delayed note this week, I got my 2nd COVID shot Saturday and have been recuperating. I hope everyone enjoyed Spring Break and had an opportunity to relax some.  Our family enjoyed some nice hikes and visited some new parks on the days with good weather.  This has me looking forward [...]

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