Who is Eligible?

You know someone who would like to be a Scout? Fantastic! Let’s review the criteria first. Girls Troop 893 is open to girls who:
  • Are at least 11 years old, but not yet 18, or
  • Who are 10 years old and have either:
    • Completed fifth grade, or
    • Earned the Arrow of Light rank in Cub Scouts
If she fits these criteria, read on! If she’s younger (Kindergarten through Fifth Grade), check out Pack 893. If she’s older (18-20), our Venturing Crew may be a good choice. 

Visiting a Meeting

We highly recommend that you and your scout visit a meeting first. Check out the “upcoming events” section on the main troop page to see if there’s anything special coming up, and then we recommend you contact the Scoutmaster. While you’re welcome to visit any meeting, we sometimes meet in a different location and don’t want you to show up to an empty room. (Also, there are occasional meetings which wouldn’t be as interesting for your scout, and we also want to be sure that we have the right people available to meet with you).

Dues, and the Inevitable Paperwork

Our starting dues are currently $175 (with a discount for scouts who are already active in BSA — such as a current Cub Scout or Venturing Crew member: $100). Our annual renewal fees are $245.
We also hold multiple fundraising efforts throughout the year, and expect each scout to bring an additional $100 to the troop through fundraising. We generally sell Camp Cards (discount coupons) in the spring, and Popcorn in the fall, and occasionally try other fundraising programs. Families can “buy out” their fundraising commitment by simply contributing cash, but we strongly encourage the scouts to try to raise at least a portion of their funds themselves. It provides good experience, and helps strengthen a sense of ownership within the troop.
Of course, there’s also paperwork. We need, for every scout, a completed Youth Application form. If the scout is already registered in BSA, there’s a place to include their Scout ID — if you don’t know that, check with their current unit leader. We will also collect the BSA Health form. When registering, you only need to complete Parts A and B — which we retain for emergency use during campouts and other events. If your scout attends summer camp (or any event longer than 72 hours) they’ll need Part C completed by their physician. 
The Troop will also ask you and your scouts to read, and acknowledge, multiple troop policies, like a Code of Conduct, Parent / Guardian Promise, and Electronic Device policy.
Finally, if you’d like to register as an adult leader, you’ll need to fill out your own Adult Application form.

Parental Involvement

Scouting is not a “drop and forget” program — we encourage involvement from the scouts’ parents and guardians, and expect at least some level of support at various events throughout the year. If you’d like to help more consistently, and especially on campouts or other more significant events, we encourage you to register as an adult leader. Then you’ll get to wear the same cool uniform as your scout!
We don’t expect parents to attend all events, and especially not every campout, but we do encourage at least one parent to attend the New Scout Campout with their child. This is a great way to see firsthand how the program operates, to watch their scout have a great time, and especially, to be there when they achieve their first rank. 
All adults who attend a campout or work regularly with the scouts are REQUIRED by our Troop to complete the online Youth Protection Training, available at this link. Even if you don’t plan to be involved at events or working regularly with scouts, we still recommend you complete the training.