Scoutmaster Minute: Every day we measure lots of things by simple estimation. In the morning, you estimate how much orange juice you want for breakfast by pouring it into a glass. It’s not a precise amount, just approximate. And you measure by estimation when you cross a street well before a car comes or when you pass a football or soccer ball to a teammate.
One thing most of us don’t measure often enough, though, is ourselves. How often do we stop and say, am I doing the right thing? Is this what a Scout should do? How am I measuring up the to the Scout Oath and Law? I would that each of you set aside 5 minutes a week to pause and ask yourself, “How am I measuring up?”

1.  Next Meeting – 20 Feb: Game Design (Landsharks)

 Uniform – Class A

Each Patrol will be provided with an overview of the principles of game design. Each patrol will then have time to develop a game that will be presented at the end of the meeting. These activities will support partial fulfillment of the Game Design Merit Badge.

2.  NCAC Monarch Butterfly Project: ASAP

Many Scouts submitted their Monarch Butterfly pledge at the meeting Tuesday. If you were not able to attend, please complete the attached and bring Tuesday (or email). Once we receive the seeds later this spring, we will locate a suitable place to plant them.

3.  Troop Elections: March 6

Senior Patrol Leader Candidates: All scouts interested in running for election as the next Senior Patrol Leader should contact Mr. Morley no later than the 27 February Troop meeting. Candidates must be the rank of Life or higher and be in 9th to 12th grade. Mr. Morley will schedule a time to meet with you, or call, to discuss your goals and ambitions as SPL. The time period for this leadership position is from 1 April 2018 to 1 October 2018.

Scouts: All patrols should prepare for Patrol Leader elections. Scouts interested in running for Patrol Leader for their patrols should discuss their desire with their patrol members. New scout patrols will elect their first patrol leaders. To be elected patrol leader you must be present at the Troop election meeting!

Troop Positions of Responsibility: Scouts interested in serving in other positions of responsibility should review the attached Position Guide for information on the various positions available and associated responsibilities.

4.  NCAC Orienteering Meet: March 24, Prince William Forrest

We would like to send representatives to this event in a few weeks. This will be a day trip only activity, no camping. This event is great opportunity to learn and improve orienteering skills which is key element of 1st Class, multiple merit badges, high adventure (+++Philmont Crew+++) and is core Scouting knowledge.

The cost will be $10 per Scout. We will need Adult support for transportation, but note that no Adults are allowed on the orienteering course. Please register your interest with the Troop ASAP so we can plan accordingly, we will then make reservation with NCAC.

5.  Key Dates   
March 6 – Troop Elections
March 16-18 – Elizabeth Furnace Campout
April 3 – Spring Court of Honor

April 27-29 – New Scout Campout

May 25-27 – Annual Canoe Trip

June 24-30 – Summer Camp @ Camp T Brady Saunders

July 27-29 – Horsemanship Campout

Aug 17-19 – Outing (TBD)

Sept 21-23 – Outing (TBD)