"Simply The Best"

Girls Troop News

Current news for Troop 893 for Girls

Girls Troop News — Starting Info

By |2019-03-30T18:47:57+00:00January 26th, 2019|Categories: Girls Troop News|

Girls and Families of Girls Troop 893, I am so excited after having all the girls finally in the same room and hope you are too!  This point has been months in the making with many hands working to get here.  [drum roll] Welcome to Troop 893! Last night was the first of what I look [...]

Come join us!

By |2019-03-30T18:48:37+00:00January 16th, 2019|Categories: Girls Troop News|

For over 100 years, the Boy Scouts of America has provided boys from 11-18 with the chance to learn citizenship, life and safety skills, and leadership, all while having a great time. Through regular meetings, outdoor activities, and merit badges, kids learn while having fun and making friends, developing self-confidence as they pass what they've learned [...]

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