"Simply The Best"

Boys Troop News

Troop news- 30 JAN 2022

By |2023-05-05T12:43:24+00:00February 1st, 2022|Categories: Boys Troop News|

Scoutmaster Minute:  A bunch a hearty Scouters braved the winter freeze for some slipping and sliding at the Klondike Derby. Sounds like we made a good showing at stations and in the races...nice to actually have snow. Mrs. Powers has share some excellent photos from the weekend. Much appreciate for the adults leadere that supported this event, transported [...]

Troop news-23 JAN 2022

By |2023-05-05T12:43:24+00:00January 24th, 2022|Categories: Boys Troop News|

Scoutmaster Minute: We have a big week ahead of us as we approach the first Klondike Derby since 2019. You should all be prepared, think ahead, and ensure that every scout attending as a daypack with the 10 essnetials. Looking like there will be some great stations and plenty of opportunity for fun. The first rule to [...]

Troop News- 17 JAN 2022

By |2023-05-05T12:43:24+00:00January 18th, 2022|Categories: Boys Troop News|

Scoutmaster Minute: Another dose of Mother Nature abilet a little sloppy always makes for fun weekend...hope you had chance to enjoy the snow yesterday. This week you will be leveraging your pioneering skill again. It does appear that bit more superivision in necessary when item are taken back to the trailer. I stop to look an had [...]

Troop News- 10 JAN 2022

By |2023-05-05T12:43:24+00:00January 10th, 2022|Categories: Boys Troop News|

Scoutmaster Minute: Mother nature delivered an extra week of winter break...hope you all used the time wisely. The Troop did benefit but having a Mini-Klondike race to test out the sleds which generall were in pretty good shape...functional is perhaps better charactizization. Clear need a little more practice on driving and dragging the sleds...but the 2 man [...]

Troop news- 02 JAN 2022

By |2023-05-05T12:43:24+00:00January 3rd, 2022|Categories: Boys Troop News|

Scoutmaster Minute: Hello 2022! There are 31,536,000 seconds in a year...use them efficiently and wisely. Troop 893 had a successful 2021 and I am thankfull for the support and effort by our Scouts and adult leadership to keep things moving forward in a positive direction. Going forward will we need to maintain out vigilance as it relates [...]

Troop news- 12 Dec 2021

By |2023-05-05T12:43:25+00:00December 13th, 2021|Categories: Boys Troop News|

Scoutmaster Minute: This week will be the last meeting for 2021...how did it go so fast? One key upcoming event is the Klondike Derby and patrols may gather over the winter break to upgrade there Patrol sleds that will be used for that event. The plan for this week is for all scouts in a position of [...]

Troop News- 05 Dec 2021

By |2023-05-05T12:43:25+00:00December 6th, 2021|Categories: Boys Troop News|

Scoutmaster Minute: Last weekend was a busy time for some new Troop 893 Eagle Scouts, Austin Wood and John Stephen Powers both had their Eagle Court of Honor. Congratulations to both. Others have been busy "decking the halls", I love seeing all the lights go up on the houses in the neighborhood as we approach Christmas and [...]

Troop News- 27 NOV 2021

By |2023-05-05T12:43:25+00:00November 29th, 2021|Categories: Boys Troop News|

Scoutmaster Minute: That second or third round of Thanksgiving leftovers and desserts ...so tasty. Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. We certainly helped to ensure others could give thanks as well with contributions made during the Scouting for Food activities a few weeks ago. The Sully District collected over 70,000 pounds...that is a [...]

Troop News- 21 NOV 2021

By |2021-11-22T20:48:55+00:00November 22nd, 2021|Categories: Boys Troop News|

Scoutmaster Minute: I would encourage all Scouts to Give Thanks  as you gather with family and friends this week. Perhaps each could share the following prior to your meal. For food, for raiment, For life, for opportunities, For friendship and fellowship, We thank Thee, O Lord.  Amen. IMPORTANT ACTION ITEMS Recharter - Please be on alert for an email this [...]

Troop News- 14 Nov 2021

By |2021-11-15T19:54:37+00:00November 15th, 2021|Categories: Boys Troop News|

Scoutmaster Minute: Wow, what a great Scouting for Food weekend, between both Troops we collected 7,540 pounds of food/supplies. This program makes a huge difference in our community and represents the type of community service that Scouting is known for around the world. The time spent on the bag drop off and the collection are two events [...]

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