Troop News – 25 March
Scoutmaster Minute I am very proud to report that we had over 30 Scouts, siblings and Adults participate in the CUMC cleanup yesterday, and few last Saturday. We booked over 75 hours in sprucing up the grounds prior to Easter services next week, which included removing of several dead or damage trees. Special thanks to David Wesiz for leading the charge and making several runs to the transfer station. In addition, ASM Staton supported several scouts in developing their orienteering skills at the NCAC event held at Prince William Forest. They highly recommended that more members attend this event [...]
Troop News – 18 March 2018
Scoutmaster Minute: Just going on record that we have a hearty set of Scouts in Troop 893. Several have hit the trifecta - three consecutive campouts with below freezing temps (Mission Impossible, Klondike and Elizabeth Furnace). This weekend the best part was watching them work together to make some great/interesting meals, encourage each other on 10-mile hike to Buzzard Rock while enjoying a small snow shower during lunch after gaining 1,261 ft in elevation, and returning to a very toasty campfire. This is the epitome of putting the OUTING in SCOUTING. Missing Item: Orange glove...please advise if located. [...]
Troop News – 11 March 2018
Scoutmaster Minute: As a young boy, Scouting gave me a confidence and camaraderie that is hard to find in modern life. - Bear Grylls Rank Advancements & Recognitions Owen Pschigoda - 1st Class (3/6) The following Scouts were elected by their peers to become members of the Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s national honor society. Since its founding in 1915, the Order of the Arrow has recognized campers – Scouts and Scouters – who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. Mikey Hannett Bryan Hong Lane Meyer Benjamin Powers Brian Staton [...]
Troop News – 6 March 2018
Scoutmaster Minute: "A Scout is Brave" is the 10th point of the Scout Law. A scout has the courage to stand up for what he thinks is right even if others ridicule him or threaten him. It has been said that "Courage is doing the right thing when the wrong thing is the easy thing." Do the right thing. Be Brave. Rank Advancements Andy Abrams - Eagle (official notice from National received) Ryan Barrett - 1st Class (2/20) Andres Skare - 1st Class (2/20) 1. Next Meeting - 6 March: Troop Elections (and pre-shakedown) Uniform – Class A Senior Patrol Leader Candidates: All [...]
Troop News – 25 February 2018
Scoutmaster Minute: The Troop was honored to support 3 crossover ceremonies this week and several more are scheduled for coming weeks. We have 15+ AOL Scouts joining our Nova Corps Patrol (aka New Scout Program). As these new Scouters and families join our ranks our watch words should be HELPFUL, COURTEOUS & KIND. A tree is know by its fruits; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love. -- St. Basil 1. Next Meeting - 27 Feb: Backcountry Iron Chef (Pandas) Uniform – Class A The [...]
Troop News – 18 February 2018
Scoutmaster Minute: Every day we measure lots of things by simple estimation. In the morning, you estimate how much orange juice you want for breakfast by pouring it into a glass. It's not a precise amount, just approximate. And you measure by estimation when you cross a street well before a car comes or when you pass a football or soccer ball to a teammate. One thing most of us don't measure often enough, though, is ourselves. How often do we stop and say, am I doing the right thing? Is this what a Scout should do? How am I [...]
Troop News, 11 Feb 2018
Scoutmaster Minute: Sixty years ago, Troop 893 was chartered at Centreville United Methodist Church. In that time, many Scouts have benefited from joining the Troop 893 family. Today, CUMC celebrated Scout Sunday and Eagle Scout candidate Scott Marrow shared some thoughts with the congregation. I have attached those comments as a reminder of our appreciation for CUMCs support and simply the values of reverence that are imparted thru the Scouting program. Ranks Advancement: The following Scouts(s) have taken another step forward on their Journey to Eagle, well done! Life Joshua Alexander-Goldsmith 1. Next Meeting - 13 Feb: First Aid [...]