"Simply The Best"

893G Troop News, NOVEMBER 12, 2024

WEEKLY MEETINGS Tues, November 19 – Sewing (Class A Uniform) When: 7-8:30PM Where: CUMC (inside) Let’s start a new tradition! Scouts have sewn their merit badges and uniforms for ages. Do you know how? Tues, November 26 – NO MEETING Happy Thanksgiving! I’m Thankful for ALL of you!   Tues, December 3 – Mission Impossible Prep (Class A Uniform) When: 7-8:30PM Where: CUMC (inside) The Moon Archers will lead us in a review of skills that we will use in Mission Impossible. Even if you can’t come to MI, can you help us review these skills? (Hint: they are not [...]

By |November 19th, 2024|Categories: Girls Troop News, Uncategorized|

893G Troop News, NOVEMBER 12, 2024

  Please make sure you are signed up for Mission Impossible! We are sleeping in cabins (Friday and Saturday night) and the scout activities have been planned by the adults as our gift to the scouts! All activities will take place in daylight hours (a departure from previous years). Please dress for the weather and bring $20 per participating scout or adult for food (also made by the adults – bring your mess kit!). PLs, please remember which meetings you are responsible for and get a meeting plan to your SPL!! IMPORTANT!! Please remember to let your SPL and PL [...]

By |November 12th, 2024|Categories: Girls Troop News|

893G Troop News NOVEMBER 3, 2024

NO MEETING this week - we will have a PLC at Ms. Kris's house. The SPL has sent an invitation to those expected to be there through the discord.  Please make sure you attend the Scouting For Food pickup on Saturday morning, November 9, starting at 8:30am. This is as mandatory as we can make it, so we expect 100% participation. On Sunday, November 10, please plan to attend Mission Possible - our recruiting event for the Webelos from 1pm to 5pm. Each patrol is in charge of one station and will work hard to make it fun and safe [...]

By |November 4th, 2024|Categories: Girls Troop News|

893G Troop News OCTOBER 22, 2024

WEEKLY MEETINGS Tues, October 22 – Games and Fun! (Class B Uniform) When: 7-8:30PM Where: CUMC Activity Field Your SPL has some new games and fun activities!   Tues, October 29 – Oobleck and Navigation Jeopardy (Class B Uniform) When: 7-8:30PM Where: CUMC Activity Field The Rascal Rabbits will have a recipe for Oobleck, and will share a Navigation Jeopardy game. How many scouts does it take for us to navigate out of the parking lot?   Tues, November 5 – PLC (Class A Uniform) When: 7-8:30PM Where: Mrs. Staton’s House This is Election night so we don’t have use [...]

By |October 25th, 2024|Categories: Girls Troop News|

893G Troop News OCTOBER 14, 2024

Please remember which meetings you are responsible for and get a meeting plan to your SPL!! Please remember to let your SPL and PL know if you will not be attending a meeting. We are in the habit of giving notice once and assuming that everyone is aware that we won’t be there. Please let your SPL know EACH time, or with a list of dates that you won’t be there. Sign Ups! Jamboree on the Air (JOTA) 2024 (Oct 19) Come have some radio fun at the activity field! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4FA8AD29A0F85-50314969-2024#/ WEEKLY MEETINGS Tues, October 15 – Star Gazing (Class B [...]

By |October 24th, 2024|Categories: Girls Troop News|

893G Troop News – 26 Feb 2023

Happy End of February Scouts and Parents! The year is already 1/6 gone and time is flying by!  A couple of reminders: New Patrols will be announced at this week's meeting. PLEASE NOTE - scouts will NOT be moving into new patrols until after our Court of Honor on April 11th. This information is being provided due to ... ELECTIONS are next Tuesday, March 7. The procedure will be reviewed this week. NEW SCOUTS are joining us on March 14, and there will be a separate Parent meeting in the Sanctuary during that meeting. This is for ALL parents. Thanks! [...]

By |March 4th, 2023|Categories: Girls Troop News|

893G Troop News – 10 Oct 2021

Scoutmaster Moment What a fantastic weekend at the Seneca District Fall “Mountain Man Rendezvous” Camporee!  The weather was perfect for the activities, and so many activities!  Scouts learned new ways to light fires, made shelter, visited with a blacksmith, challenged each other (and 893B) to tug o war, had some items branded, threw tomahawks and knives - in short made many memories. Camporees like this are fantastic opportunities to demonstrate skills and try new things (with thanks to the adults that help make them happen!).  Upcoming campouts like November’s Mission Impossible and hopefully a Sully District Klondike in January are [...]

By |October 14th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

893G Troop News – 3 Oct 2021

Scoutmaster Moment Developing leadership skills are one of the aims of the Scouting program.  Today the new leadership team came together for Introductory Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST).  This was new material for nearly half the team there, and it was clear how training has been embraced by our experienced scouts as they stepped up to lead various sections. Lots of good discussion, some fun games and everyone indicated they learned something new. Everything is hard before it is easy. – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The goal of many leaders is to get people to think more highly of the [...]

By |October 14th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

893G Troop News – 19 Sep 2021

Scoutmaster Moment What a beautiful weekend for camping!  The brief dinner time rain shower merely reinforced how nice the weekend really was.  Scouts did great with a trail ride that included some wildlife.  They also learned about horse care and common health concerns.  The next few weeks are full of Scouting activity opportunities, be sure to read through carefully for the fun to be had! There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man. - Sir Winston Churchill Important Notes Sign-up for upcoming campouts October Mountainman Rendezvous Camporee - Oct 8-10 Group [...]

By |September 20th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|

893G Troop News – 12 Sep 2021

Scoutmaster Moment This past week was eventful with some new leadership elected and team being built, a fun troop outing going for a spin around the ice, and participating in our local district recruitment event launching rockets and retiring flags.  Well done! The coming weeks will continue to be busy with campouts, ILST, a Court of Honor, and outings.  All these events present opportunities to practice old skills, learn new skills, meet rank requirements and of course have fun. Important Notes Adult Support Needed We have a number of Boards of Review needed at this week’s meeting for Scouts that [...]

By |September 20th, 2021|Categories: Girls Troop News|
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