29th of Nov Boys Troop
Scoutmaster Minute: While you may all still be in a turkey and stuffing coma, it is my sincere hope you were all able to enjoy Thanksgivng this past week. I am looking forward to a successful Patrol Leaders Council (PLC) this week as we makw plans for the coming weeks, including the beginning of 2021...yep its almost here. Viligance must be our watch word and we must maintain our guard from an invisible enemy embodied in the COVID-19 virus. Being humble means recognizing that we are not on earth to see how important we can become, but to see how much difference we can make in [...]
22nd of Nov Boys Troop
Scoutmaster Minute: In 1620, a group of men, women and children braved the North Atlantic in search of freedom. They landed at Plymouth Rock and signed the Mayflower Compact, which was "the foundation of liberty based on law and order" for what would become the United States of America over a 150 years later. As a desendent of those passengers, I am grateful for their courage and give thanks for their perseverance. The year 2020 has been a rough ride, but we still have much to be thankful for as families and as Scouts. Gratitude is a quality similar to electricity: [...]
15th of Nov Boys Troop News
DFall Eagle Project FlyerScoutmaster Minute: It was great to see the teamwork at this last meeting to make sure your campout cook gear is in good shape and ideally not a public helath risk. We will take a look Tuesday evening to see what it looks like after a week of storage to calibrate your effectiveness. If then one does not succeed, try try again. We will turn our sights this week toward a slightly different skill, requiring a bit of dexterity and focus, while supporting the future of Troop 893 and current Scouts. So bring your patience and good [...]
Nov 8th Boys Troop News
Scoutmaster Minute: Awesome weekend...another sucessful Mission Impossible in the books for Troop 893. Simply the Best. We had a great turnout from multiple Packs and the Scouts, Boys & Girls Troop, did a really nice job with all the stations we set up to introduce them to our 893 family. The weather was exceptional and the evening patrol competitions that ASM DJ Treat prepared brought out the best in everyone. The competion dinners generally we pretty good and revaled potential for the future. I do have to give a nod to the special Scoutmaster Pancake made by the PhoenixShark...very tasty. [...]
2nd of Nov Boys Troop
Troop 893 Permission Slip 2020 Mission Impossible Scoutmaster Minute: Welcome to November, its opening has been pretty blustery, but I think we are looking good for Mission Impossible this weekend. This week also happens to make a direct connection to the Scout Oath...Duty to Country. While none of out Scouts are able to vote, this is certainly an interesting season in which to observe the wheels of our beloved republic grind out a decision. The democratic process can be messy and ugly, but is certainly beats the alternatives that would forgo the freedoms we unfortunately to often take for granted. [...]
25th of October Boys Troop News
Scoutmaster Minute: Over the weekend we collaborated with Pack 2011 on Scouting for Food. The response from the community was reasonable given limited notice and communication. Most importantly, our Scouts worked great as a team sorting and crating up the food items collected. Much appreciation to all the efforts of Michael Adere for organizing this annual event, and shout out to the Scouts that hustled on the morning shift at and those that helped upload several thousand pounds of food into the food pantry at WFCM. Supporting our community and upholding our oath....Basic Scout Stuff. The comforts of life’s essentials [...]
18th of Oct Boys Troop News
Scoutmaster Minute: Another busy Scouting week..one more Eagle project completed, which includeded a photo bomb by Teddy the pony. LOL. Over 30 Scouts stopped by the activitity field to participate in Jamborree on the Air. They made contact with Scouts on the air in Canada, Ohio, New York, Michigan, Arlington, and Camp Snyder. Last week was all about public health and I hope the boys learned a few things along with reminders of key water and food safety measures for camping. Up coming meetings will be focused on preperation for the Wiliderness Survival themed Mission Impossible campout. When people talk, [...]
Boys troop 893 Week of Sept 13th
Scoutmaster Minute: Sounds like we may have some converts to the joys of fishing. I am not aware that any state records were broken, but Silver Lake gave up a bounty of Blue Gill on Saturday evening as Scouts worked on the Fishing MB. I am told that the Scouts would like to go again, so we will check out some other locations to test our skills. Getting outside and enjoying the beautiful weather is the one saving grace amid all the restrictions...so glad we can provide that outlet for our Scouts. In the presence of nature, a wild [...]
Troop News September 6 2020
Scoutmaster Minute: Last weekend of summer break, hope you have all had a chance to get out and enjoy it. Most of you missed a great hike Saturday on the First Manassas Trail... weather was perfect and several new scouts finished the 5 mile hike for 2nd Class. Today, I checked out a segment of the Cub Run Valley trail, disappointed I never explored before. This is another great out and back hike we can use for the 5 miler for those that missed it. Speaking of outing, I hope folks are able to gather next Saturday for a little [...]
August 30th Troop News
Scoutmaster Minute: The Scout Leadership had a successful planning session last week and prepared a series of activities that should help our Nova Corp advance and provide fun at the same time. In terms of advancing, we had an opportunity to use the Cub Run Rec Center pool on Sunday evening to run several Scout's through the BSA Swim Test for 2nd and 1st Class ranks...all were successful. As we close out August and begin the last week of summer vacation please make the most of it before being chained to virtual classes all day...that means get outside. I think [...]