Troop News: 02 JAN 2020
Scoutmaster Minute: Welcome to 2020. Hard for me to reconcile with the fact that I rekindled my relationship with Scouting just over 10 years Highlights included marching in the 100 year anniversary parade, being a Tiger Den Leader and then Cubmaster for Pack 127, a most incredible adventure to Philmont with the awesome Crew of 728 Charlie, and becoming Scoutmaster for "Simply The Best" Troop of Scouters. Life is full of surprises and opportunities, but they will not fall into your lap wandering through life. Continuing forward on the Trail to Eagle will help you discover the potential you [...]
Troop News — 15-Dec-2019
Scoutmaster Minute It was great to see a bunch of Scouts coming out over the weekend to help another Scout complete his Eagle Project. Tis the season of giving, and often the best gift is not material. Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.- Booker T. Washington Rank Advancement Stephen Schuetz - Star (12/10) Troop Meeting Outlook 1. This Week Dec 17: First Aid in Action - Land SharksUniform Class A A. First Aid Review and Skits: This activity will provide a quick refresher on skills that may likely be needed during [...]
Troop News — 08-Dec-2019
Scoutmaster Minute We had an huge fun last evening at Vertical Rock climbing center...clearly some of these Scouts are part spider monkey. They were exposed to the basic fundamentals of the Climbing MB and I received several requests for blue cards. A session or two here may be on a few wish lists. This certainly put a few Scouts outside their comfort zone, especially on the 50 foot wall, but they prevailed and great time into the wee hours of the morning, multiple requests to come back again. Success and happiness require engagement. You can't cross the sea merely [...]
Troop News — 01-Dec-2019
Scoutmaster Minute Wow...I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving. I was very grateful for the opportunity to gather with most of my extended family and friends while visiting the town my wife and I grew up in as kids. Even better, I was able to split the driving duties with my grateful. This past week also found us with a burst of rank advancements, with several more that are very close. Keep up the good work. He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.– [...]
Troop News — 24-Nov-2019
Scoutmaster Minute It is time to give thanks for the support we have within our Scouting family from parents, leaders, chartering organizations and the Scouts themselves. Please take a moment to review the announcements below and respond accordingly. Take a few minutes to also review the outlook for the coming 2 months.I wish you all an excellent Thanksgiving and safe travels to you and yours. Announcements A. December Outing: We need 25 to make an overnight at one of the local climbing centers work (~$30/Scout) If interest is lacking, then Scouts may have the option, assuming adult support (I am not [...]
Troop News — 17-Nov-2019
Scoutmaster Minute This weekends Mission Impossible was Simply The Best. Huge shout out to ASM Ryan Pschigoda for an out of this world experience and series of activities linked to Scouting Heritage with a Marvel Universe twist. This was complemented a suburb dinner organized by ASM Kathy Taylor with many adults I am still full. We a great group of AOL Scouts visit us on Saturday and experience some of the things we do as Troop 893. As part of the Mission Impossible theme each Scout received Thor's Hammer pocket dongle and the Eye of Agamotto (sun dial/compass). Each [...]
Troop News — 11-Nov-2019
Scoutmaster Minute It has been a busy weekend and our Scouts were great in supporting another Scouting For Food event. This next week represents a key time to continue making Troop 893 "Simply The Best". That includes following items. A. Mission Impossible: We need adult support during Mission Impossible to make this a successful camping required. Please indicate your willingness to help by signing up at B. Rechartering time is here, so please watch for email on final details from Paul Taylor, Committee Chair. C. Summer Camp: The committee is in the process of reviewing several camps based [...]
Troop News – 03-Nov-2019
Scoutmaster Minute The idea of resetting clocks back an hour in the fall and forward an hour in the spring was first suggested by Benjamin Franklin in his essay "An Economical Project for Diminishing the Cost of Light," which was published in the Journal de Paris in April 1784. During World War I, there was widespread adoption in many counties in an effort to preserve coal. Following the war many countries abandoned the practice. Several U.S. cities retained daylight savings including New York so that its financial exchanges could maintain an hour of trading with London, and Chicago and Cleveland to keep [...]
Troop News — 27-Oct-2019
Scoutmaster Minute Fall is moving quickly and as the leaves turn, the clocks will soon follow. The latter is certainly one of the most useless acts imposed on all citizens. That being said, next week I would remind everyone to get to the polls and exercise your right to vote. We are all free to express our own political views and interests, but it is all for nothing if not exercised. Scouts are encouraged to go along with a parent an observe the simplicity of the process and collective power its represents. Perhaps something to be gained for one of [...]
Troop News — 21-Oct-2019
Scoutmaster Minute Weather is shifting into fall so be prepared. As we will continue to use the activity field as much as possible, the temps are cooler and it get dark quickly, so please dress appropriately and ideally bring a flashlight or headlamp. Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better. - Harry S Truman 1. This Week Oct 22 - Survival Shelters 101 (Land Sharks) @ Activity Field Uniform Class A In preparation for Novembers Mission Impossible [...]