Troop News- 07 Nov 2021
Scoutmaster Minute: Well fall is here and winter is knocking on the door. It was 28 degrees when I woke up Saturday...enough for the Scouts to earn the Polar Bear patch for camping when it goes below freezing. The sun came out and it was a wonderfully brisk day as we welcomed over 20 Arrow of Light Scouts to visit our Troop with the prospect of joining us in the spring. They all seemed to enjoy the stations set up by our Scouts to share skills, including archery, cooking, and the axe yard. NOTE: There was a safety incident in which [...]
Troop News- 31 Oct 2021
Scoutmaster Minute: What a Boo-tiful weekend, hope all were able to enjoy some tricks or treats today. The Scouts will continue to focus this week on finalizing plans for Mission Impossible and look towards how we will support the community through Scouting for Food. There are a few key things in the news today...signup and 10 essentials. Please keep reading. Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. - Babe Ruth IMPORTANT ACTION ITEMS A. Mission Impossible - Please indicate intent to participate in the following activities. Scouts and Leaders Troop 893 Annual Mission Impossible Campout, Izaak Walton League, Centreville [...]
Troop News- Oct 24 2021
Scoutmaster Minute: It was great to be inside for the Court of Honor this past week to recognize all the hard work these Scouts have completed in the past 6 months. Several of these Scouts became official members of the Order of the Arrow (OA) over the weekend and we honor their service. We have a really busy couple of weeks as we prepare for the annual Mission Impossible event that welcomes AOL Scouts to visit Troop 893. This is a great event and I encourage every scout to participate, patrols will use the next 2 meetings to prepare. He who cannot be [...]
Troop news: Sep. 26, 2021
Scoutmaster Minute: As usual the Troop is very busy at this time of the year. Biggest change is moving the Court of Honor out 2 weeks to October 19. This will ensure the Scouts have sufficient time this week and next to prepare and plan for activities that will take place during the next campout Oct 8-10. The Scouts have also made some decisions to put in place the new leadership team for the next 6 month term. All Scouts named to the list included in this message are expected to attend the training on Sunday, Oct 3 at the Activity Field. [...]
KlonBike Derby
Don't forget to register for the KlonBike Derby this coming Saturday (October 2)! We also are still in need of adult volunteers to help run the event. Please let me know if you are able to help. YIS, Adam On Tue, Sep 21, 2021, 09:57 Kevin Morley wrote: Adam Weiez has organized a very fun outing that is open to all members of the 893 Family. Nova Corp...this counts towards your 10 events. Look forward to seeing many of you on the trail. Adults volunteers still need to support some of the stations. Who: All 893 Scouts and Venturers What: 893 [...]
Troop news: Sep. 19, 2021
Scoutmaster Minute: Looks like everyone enjoyed the Horsemanship Campout this weekend and I am certain the favorable weather was a welcome bonus. This week we will be looking for Scouts to saddle up again for various positions of responsibility. It is also a time to close out merit badges if possible that will be awarded at the Court of Honor. All families should plan to attend the Court of Honor as we recognize the achievements of the Scouts over the past 6 months and welcome the new leadership team. This will all take place October 5th. Courage is being scared to [...]
Troop news: Sep. 12, 2021
Scoutmaster Minute: Some busy times on our hands with Eagle projects, Eagle Court of Honor, campouts, leadership transition and training over the next few weeks. Be Prepared is our motto for a reason. To that point, I need to thank the folks involved in reconstructing the Troop Trailer...very excited about the new setup...Jim Lakie for helping with design, CJ Staton for helping to gut the old trailer and building the new shelving and Paul Taylor for working with me to make some adaptations to get the new setup built out this past week. Still a few things to be done, but everything [...]
Troop News Sep. 5, 2021
Scoutmaster Minute: The next few months will see quite a lot of activity. I will stress the importance of Nova Corp getting out to these events that count towards the 10 non-Troop meeting activities necessary for advancement. This includes getting those camping nights which were very hard to come by in the last year. The Troop has some great outings scheduled and I encourage everyone to take advantage of these events to the maximum extent possible. Everything flows, and nothing abides, everything gives way, and nothing stays fixed. --Heraclitus RANK ADVANCEMENT Brendan Wilson - Life (8/31) Andre Dang - Life (8/31) [...]
Troop News Aug. 29, 2021
Scoutmaster Minute: Some great Scouting over the weekend at Lane Meyer's Eagle project along the Blue Bell trail in Bull Run Park. This project was a long time in the making and the final result will benefit hikers and nature lovers for many years. Great support and teamwork from the Troop and friends on both days to install over 30 feet of elevated boardwalk. Remember the hardest thing in Scouting is never getting started. Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying. ― Roy T. Bennett IMPORTANT ACTION ITEMS A. Horsemanship Campout September 17-19 Sign up for this [...]
Troop News: Aug 22, 2021
Scoutmaster Minute: Big day and week ahead. I wish you all the best in getting back into the classroom with your friends. Every moment is a fresh beginning. —T.S. Eliot MEETINGS Reminder that the Patrol assigned to run a meeting also has clean up duty....meaning your Patrol should be the last to leave with approval of SPL and Scoutmaster. 1. This Week Aug 24: Fire 101 (Titans) Uniform Class B (Class A if seeking advancement) The Titan have organized a fire competition which will include some essential tips on the fundamentals of fire building. Each Scout in each Patrol must demonstrate they have [...]