Troop News – 27-May-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: In response to the recommendation of the canoe outfitter we postponed the Annual Canoe trip until July. While parts of yesterday and today would have been beautiful, the flash flood advisory I received yesterday confirmed that we made the right decision. The good news is that we had ~70 folks planning to attend, and I am hopeful they will be able to join us in July. We will move the Horsemanship Campout into August and will plan to make another run to get on the river the weekend of July 27-29. This will following the same format, [...]
Troop News – 20-May-2018
1. This Week - Scouting Simon Says: May 22 (Titans) Uniform – Class A Patrols will be led by the Titans in a competitive version of the infamous Simon Says game with a Scouting twist. It is recommended that everyone come prepared with their 10 Essentials among other skills and knowledge. 2. 45th Annual Memorial Day Family Canoe Trip, May 25-27, 2018 Uniform – Class B ATTN: Given the rain this past week, rivers levels are currently running high so there is a possibility that we could postpone this event to July or August. We [...]
Troop News – 13-May-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: On this Mother's Day, I would like to thank all the mom's that have nurtured and encouraged there young men to explore the world around them thru Scouting. From Bobcat onward that gentle nudge from Mom to go explore and be yourself has led to many Eagles taking flight. Today I am thankful for my mom, my first Den leader in Pack 91, for helping to create so many Scouting adventures and hopes for more to come. The latter thanks to my wife, who signed me up to a Tiger Den leader, and more importantly granted us [...]
Troop News – 6-May-2018
1. This Week is a Patrol Leaders Council: May 8 (PLC) Uniform – Class A All Scouts in leadership positions should attend this meeting to review progress on position goals, refine plans for upcoming Troop meetings and events. The Leadership Team will review the New Scout Campout and action they can take as a team to continue putting forward a great program. Scouts that are not in a leadership position, but in need of leadership support (Scout or Adult) for rank or merit badge work may also attend. Scouts seeking this support should notify me and the SPL [...]
Troop News – 29-Apr-2018
New Scout Campout April 2018 Scoutmaster Minute: The weather gods blessed us with an awesome weekend for the New Scout Campout. Lots of new experiences, lessons learned, and challenges. The Nova Corp grub masters feed their patrols well, even an impressive set of dutch oven pizzas. Many tried their luck catching frogs, salamander and even some feisty bluegill. The Big Dogz Patrol was treated well by ASM Chris Wilson in his debut as grubmaster, which also included some much appreciated dutch oven treats. The Communications MB Team put on an awesome campfire program lead my MC Owen Hesser, [...]
Troop News – 22 April 2018
Happy Earth Day. As an American, I will do my best to – Be clean in my outdoor manners. Be careful with fire. Be considerate in the outdoors. Be conservation minded. 1. NSC Station Demo/Final Shakedown: April 24 @ CUMC (ALL) Uniform – Class A A. Each Patrol will demonstrate plan for applying the EDGE method at their assigned NSC station. B. Each Patrol will review Duty Roster/Meal Plan for the New Scout Campout (NSC), this include tent assignments. All Scouts should bring $15 for the grubmaster. C. ASPL Quartermaster and Patrol QMs should assess Action Packs, camp stove fuel [...]
Troop News – 15 April 2018
1. Cyber Chip/NSC Station Prep: April 17 @ CUMC (ALL) Uniform – Class A A. All Scouts will attend Cyber Chip program to satisfy requirement for Scout or Star and general reminder of good cyber habits, including Troop/Patrol related communications a described in the electronic policy. B. Each Patrol will assign a grubmaster and develop their Duty Roster/Meal Plan for the New Scout Campout (NSC). Ideally this includes tent assignments. All Scouts should plan to bring $15 for the grubmaster. C. Each Patrol will review their station assignment for the NSC and begin planning for prep/review at the 4/24 meeting. D. Adult support for the NSC: 1) Need vehicle [...]
Troop News – 8 April 2018
JLT 2018 campfire Scoutmaster Minute: After being installed at last weeks Court of Honor, the new leadership team completed their training today. It is amazing how motivating doughnuts and bagels can be early in the morning. Their first challenge, in the spirit of teamwork, was to build a fire...never seen it get done so quickly. Balance beam activity JLT 2018 Much thanks to Andrea Shuetz, Lucy Fall, Kimberly Powers, Kye Dowd, Robert Lane and CJ Staton for helping ensure the crew was feed and adults properly caffeinated...armies march on their bellies. Today would not be possible without [...]
Troop News – 2 April
1. Spring Court of Honor: April 3 @ CUMC (All Patrols) Uniform – Class A (MB or OA Sash) A. The Troop 893 Spring Court of Honor will be held at Centreville United Methodist Church in the Sanctuary. The ceremony begins at 7:00 pm, so please plan accordingly. All Troop 893 scouts, families, and friends are invited and encouraged to attend. Scouts will be receiving Merit Badges, Rank Cards, and other recognitions that they have earned over the past 6 months. We will also recognize new members of Troop 893 and induct the new youth leadership for the next six month term. B. A small reception will follow with snacks and fellowship. For the reception, each [...]