Troop News – 5-August-2018
Scoutmaster Minute Yesterday, I had the honor and privilege of participating in the Eagle Court of Honor for Scott Morrow. As I listened to him reflect on his time in Scouting, it reminded me yet again of the perhaps too easily overlooked value of Scouting in exposing these young men to opportunities they otherwise would likely never experience. The trail to Eagle is not simple, there will be challenges and fears to overcome, and that is precisely what makes it a worthy pursuit. So as our Scouts think about the upcoming campout and the fall leadership term, I would [...]
Troop News – 29-July-2018
1. This Week July 31 - Scout Challenge (Titans) @ Activity Field Uniform – Class B The Titan patrol has prepared a series of challenges that will require a combination of wit and skill to complete successfully. Please come prepared with water and bug repellant. We will be monitoring the weather since storms are in the forecast, in which case we will adjust activities for a indoor format. 2. Eagle Court of Honor August 4- Scott Morrow The members of Troop 893 are invited to attend Scott Morrow's Eagle Court of Honor, 2-4 pm, Saturday, August 4 @CUMC. All [...]
Troop News – 22-July-2018
Rank Advancements Star - Owen Pschigoda (7/17) 2nd Class - Patrick Lakie (7/17) 1. This Week July 24 - PLC Meeting Uniform – Class A Patrol Leaders should arrive with one or more meeting plan/activity prepared. The link below can help with meeting ideas that provide a combination of scout skills and fun. The attached meeting plan template will be used by ASPL Programs, PLs and SPL for all meetings. If you can bring one or more these completed to the July 24 meeting it will improve the flow and perhaps allow us to look ahead a little further [...]
Troop News – 15-July-2018
1. This Week July 17 - Land Sharks @ Activity Field Uniform – Class B This underlying theme is associated with engineering, ingenuity, and cooperation. Also reminder that we are at the activity field, bring water, consider bug spray, and rain gear as needed. Following the activity planned by the Land Sharks, Patrols will take to some to look ahead at future meeting and share ideas with Patrol Leader ahead of the PLC meeting on July 24. 2. Next Week July 24 - PLC Meeting Uniform – Class A Patrol Leaders should arrive with one or more meeting plan/activity [...]
Troop News – 8-July-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: This weekend was a great break from the heat and perfect for some climbing as you will see below. As things tend to slow down just a little over the summer, I thought this would be good time for a quick review on where various patch's should be placed on the uniform (see page 22 & 23 of the Scout Handbook). In addition, just a reminder that only one position of responsibility should appear on a uniform at any given time. 1. This Week July 10 - Phoenix Patrol Uniform – Class A The Phoenix patrol [...]
Troop News – 1-July-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: The Scout Oath speaks to our Duty to Country. This week marks the very essence of the phase with Independence Day, a day when freedom from tyranny is celebrated. The barbeques and fireworks are great fun, but take a moment to recall and cherish the sacrifices made by our forbearers that had the courage and conviction to initiate this great American experiment. That includes all those that followed in protecting that gift and helping other brake free from the shackles of narcissistic dictators. While the day to day is not always pretty, I wouldn't trade for anything, frankly it [...]
Troop News – 24-June-2018
1. Summer Camp Departure - June 24 Uniform – Class A (no exceptions) All those attending summer camp should be present and accounted for by 8:30am in the VDOT lot at CUMC. Timely arrival makes departure orderly and efficient for loading the bus with all gear and troop equipment, including gathering prescription medications. All will travel in Class A exceptions. OA Scouts should remember to bring their sash to summer camp for Wed evening event. Please be sure to pack a lunch and a few snacks for the bus ride, including a FULL water bottle. After we [...]
Troop News – 17-June-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: Happy Father's Day. For me this was a great day hanging out with my wife and boys watching some great World Cup soccer and doing a little preparation for summer camp next week. Many Father's have helped shape Scouting over the years and I am eternally thankful for their collective willingness to serve the greater good as I have certainly gained much from this Journey. Mine began as a Bobcat many moons ago with my dad serving as Cubmaster and later Scoutmaster. I recently inherited a box of treasures that included some of his notes from those meeting [...]
Troop News – 11-June-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: I am in Las Vegas this week for the annual conference of my employer the American Water Works Association (AWWA). As you can imagine the value of water is a central part of our mission. Yesterday I was outside Las Vegas doing some off road exploring which really reinforced the value of water. Be Prepared meant we had plenty of water and we exercised the Outdoor Code by staying on the trail. I will also share a glimpse of AWWA's No Water Campaign that is designed to remind people it's value and what happens if there is [...]
Troop News – 6-June-2018
1. This Week - Summer Camp Shakedown: June 9 Uniform – Full Class Reminder that this Tuesday is the mandatory Summer Camp Shakedown, if you are attending summer camp you must be there. Please read email sent earlier today [REMINDERS --> SUMMER CAMP SHAKEDOWN 2018 - JUNE 5 - MUST READ!] and come prepared so we can move through the evening quickly. 2. Eagle Service Project - June 9 Uniform – Class B Great opportunity for service hours by supporting Stephen Ruckert's project at the Cub Run Elementary School Baseball Fields on Saturday, June 9 @3pm 3. [...]