Troop News — 6-January-2019
Scoutmaster Minute: Welcome back. I am looking forward to another great year for Troop 893. I would encourage each Scout and family to take a moment to consider their goals for the coming year. As it relates to can you help the Troop or a fellow Scout, plan for some high adventure, set a goal for advancement and take advantage of merit badge university and summer camp. We are at the beginning every morning, take the opportunity, no matter how small it may seem, to make a difference and make some progress towards those goals. Getting to the [...]
Troop News — 16-December-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: Tis the season of giving. This brings to mind the Scout Oath, specifically a Scout's Duty to Other People...."To help other people at all times". In this context I have received inquires regarding service hours and "what counts". Below I have tried to outline the key steps in the process that a Scout should consider Purpose: The objective is to instill in a Scout the importance of Service to Others. Who: Service can be perform as an individual or with a Patrol/Troop, such as Scouting for Food. Approval: The key here, especially for individual efforts, is that the Scout [...]
Troop News — 9-December-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: Fortitude comes in many forms. For some it simply may be associated with sleeping on a "firm" gymnasium floor with no sleeping bag or pad. For Troop 893's Philmont Crew, it was about braving low temperatures and steep slopes on the Double Bear Rocks trail in the Shenandoah National Park. Crew members were also joined by one future Philmont trekker. Temps dipped into the teens over night, but the Crew was prepared to meet the challenge. I am certain that this outing will be part the scouting lore each of these young men share with friends, family and [...]
Troop News — 2-December-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: A Scout is Reverent, but what does he pray for? Many will say they pray to be kept safe from bad things happening to them. They pray for an easier time of it, for health, and safety. These are all fine, but unfortunate things will happen to everyone. Being able to handle those unfortunate things and the challenges that life brings is important. Without challenges, you don't find your limits. Without challenges, you don't expand your abilities. Without challenges, you don't grow. The next time you pray, you might pray for strength and guidance to overcome the challenges [...]
Troop News — 25-November-2018
Scoutmaster Minute What do you suppose is the most valuable two word sentence you can say? Some of you might say, it's "We won!" Others would vote for, "Here's money!" But I think the best two-word sentence is "Thank you. " It isn't used as often as it should be. How often do you use it? And how often do you say thank you to the persons who are closest to you, your mother and father? How often do you say it to your friends or even strangers when they do something for you? It's so easy to forget, especially [...]
Troop News — 18-November-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: Wow...what an awesome weekend at Mission Impossible. We had a nice showing from area Arrow of Light scouts interested in joining our Troop. ASM Wilson facilitated a series of stations manage by our very own Scouts that all got good reviews from participants. I am hopeful that many of those young Scouts return to us in the spring. The evening program prepared by ASM Pschigoda generated quite a bit of enthusiasm, testing our Scouts skills and wit to problem solve and work as a team. Ultimately they struck "gold" and earn themselves the first issue of Troop 893's [...]
Troop News — 11-November-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: A Scout is Helpful. As a Troop we collected 3,500 pounds of food with support from Pack 893. We had 47 Scouts (42 Boy Scouts and 5 Cub Scouts) assist and 37 adults assist (33 Boy Scouts 4 Cub Scouts). Rank Advancement Nick Thurston - Eagle Court of Honor (11/11) 1. This Week Nov 13 - Mission Impossible Station Prep/Review @ Activity Field (ALL) Uniform: Class A Part 1. Arrow of Light Scout Station Review/Planning On Saturday, Nov 17 from 12:30-4:30 we have invited AOL Scouts from area Packs to visit our Troop and experience some [...]
Troop News — 4-November-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: Great to see the Scouts step and get the SFF materials distributed. I rode along with 2 patrols and observed some great teamwork. I also had the opportunity to paricipate in an Eagle project today where again I oberved excellent teamwork by the Scouts. Onward and upwards, together when they put their minds to the task they can do great things. Unity of effort is the mission and hope to see that on display again when they these Patrol come together for another awesome episode of Mission Impossible. 1. This Week Nov 6 - No Meeting School is out [...]
Troop News — 29-October-2018
1. This Week Oct 30 - Get the Spark (Pandas) @ Activity Field Uniform – Class A A. Panda Patrol will be running a competition to see which patrol can get a spark and keep it going the longest. Each patrol needs to bring wood and fire-starting materials, and portable fire pits if available. B. Popcorn Orders Due - ALL orders must be submitted and accompanied by 100% of sales generated. C. Mission Impossible Prep - ASM Wilson will brief the Scouts on the activities/stations planned for Arrow of Light Scouts. There have been a few adjustments since the leadership planning meeting, [...]
Troop News — 21-October-2018
Scoutmaster Minute: The key to gaining knowledge is learning from your experience's. I suspect that many Scouts have a new appreciation for what it means to "Be Prepared". More specifically they were reminded of the reason why a tent comes with stakes and rainflies have tie-downs...they are not for show...rather in combination they provide a critical function that is very valuable when the sky bursts forth with rain and gale force winds. The resilience of our equipment was certainly tested on Saturday evening, but not until after the Scouts enjoyed a gorgeous day of competition with activities that challenged their [...]