"Simply The Best"



Troop News — 11-AUG-2019

Scoutmaster Minute: The only way to succeed is take the first step and embrace the risk of failure. Since school is about to being in a few weeks --shudder-- and the Troop begin to prepare for new Scout leadership, I thought was point to make again. In our program we seek to provide an environment we a Scout can try new things and often the worst that happens a bad meal or that leaving boots outside is bad idea. Most important and more frequent are the small gains in confidence when they realize that will a little planning that they [...]

By |August 11th, 2019|Categories: Boys Troop News|0 Comments

Troop News — 04-AUG-2019

Scoutmaster Minute: I recognize many are still in the process of enjoying summer vacations, but there are a few items that require some attention. We responses to Troop picnic on August 27...really important we have a decent headcount and support for several items that need adult participation. Scouts also need to review and work with patrol leaders or this meeting meeting...the Titans are running a competition for best homemade backpacking meal on Tuesday. I al need indication of who can support transport of the Troop trailer for the August campout. Thank you. The rising tide lifts all the boats.  ― [...]

By |August 4th, 2019|Categories: Boys Troop News|0 Comments

Troop News — 28-JULY-2019

Scoutmaster Minute: Scouting is time for exploring, learning and trying new things. In my experience there is often a hesitation to engage due to an inherent the fear of failure. Yes the world can be cruel and twisted place, but in Scouting we strive to create a "No Regrets" environment. I would ask that each of you take a moment and consider the words of Capt. Deshauna Barber and her No Regrets approach to life. As you listen think about your individual Scouting journey....seize the moment, take ownership your destiny. I was reminded of that conviction during a recent Eagle [...]

By |July 28th, 2019|Categories: Boys Troop News|0 Comments

Troop News — 21-JULY-2019

Scoutmaster Minute: The dog days of summer are upon us and hope everyone is staying hydrated. Next weekend is looking to be pretty hot so consider cooling off at the Lake Fairfax Water Mine (see activity link below). We have several other event for which we need indications of participation for planning purposes so click the link and let us your will be there. It's too hot to type more...see you all Tuesday.   Rank Advancement Mathew Manella - 1st Class (7/16)   1. This Week July 23 - Painting 101 (Pandas) @ Activity Field Uniform - Class B The Pandas [...]

By |July 21st, 2019|Categories: Boys Troop News|0 Comments

Troop News — 07-JULY-2019

Scoutmaster Minute: Scouters from Troop 893 enjoyed a gorgeous day on the rocks at Great Falls on Saturday. So awesome to have a trained climbing guide in the Troop, plus our own gear....thank you Adam & Ashley Weisz for make this possible. Later this week Scouts will exercise their leadership in setting forth plans for the remainder of the spring term. This is a Scout led organization and sometimes its not pretty, but generally speaking we always find a way to have fun. The key is to learn from the past and leverage the resources available to take advantage of [...]

By |July 7th, 2019|Categories: Boys Troop News|0 Comments

Troop News — 30-JUNE-2019

  Scoutmaster Minute: We are back from a great week at Goshen Scout Reservation - Camp Olmsted. Over 180 merit badges taken by 36 scouts in seven different program areas. The weather was very kind with cool evenings perfect for sleeping and just a little rain on Monday and Friday. Our scouts represented us well with the flag ceremony Thursday evening, maintained their dominance in the gaga pits and generally conducted themselves well during the week. There is always room for improvement which will be discussed during the up coming PLC meeting. We had several Scouts make rank advancements during [...]

By |June 30th, 2019|Categories: Boys Troop News|0 Comments

Troop News — 16-JUNE-2019

Scoutmaster Minute: First and foremost I must thank my Dad for setting the example. It is because of his guidance and support in Scouting, an opportunity he was not afford as a young man, that I enjoyed an incredible program that continues to influence my life. It is that experience and related memories from which I draw energy and inspiration to work with the young men of Troop 893 and strive to be Simpy the Best. Thank you Dad and Happy Father's Day.   A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort [...]

By |June 16th, 2019|Categories: Boys Troop News|0 Comments

Troop News — 14-JULY-2019

Scoutmaster Minute: The PLC meeting this past week was productive and there was general consensus that more planning leads to better meetings/outings. Over the next several weeks we shall see if the lessons have been learned. Current both Philmont crews are on trails in Sangre de Cristo Mountain Range. The Venturing Crew is just a few days out of camp and the Troop crew summitted Baldy Mtn. (12,441 feet) earlier this week (see photo). Shortly we will begin to see if there is sufficient interest for a crew to take on this adventure in 2021 (must be 14 at time [...]

By |June 14th, 2019|Categories: Boys Troop News|0 Comments

Troop News — 09-JUNE-2019

1. Summer Camp Paperwork  See prior message from Mr. Taylor for details...if you are missing anything, such as health forms, please get them completed ASAP.   2. This Week June 11 - Pioneering Shark Tank (Phoenix) @ Activity Field            Uniform: Class B The Phoenix patrol will be running pioneering oriented edition of shark tank. Patrols should think about creative camp gadgets that they could build for chance to survive the shark tank! It would be wise to review lashings 101 in your handbooks. Bring water.   3.  Eagle Project June 15 - Joshua Alexander-Goldsmith Uniform - Class B Scouts are asked [...]

By |June 9th, 2019|Categories: Boys Troop News|0 Comments

Troop News — 02-JUNE-2019

Scoutmaster Minute: It was busy weekend of purging/reorganizing the Troop shed, taking advantage of great weather for rock climbing at Great Falls and celebrating a milestone with Benjamin Powers Eagle Court of Honor. Troop 893 has been blessed with the strength and support provided by Scott and Kimberly Powers and their Scouting prodigy. We bid you the best of wishes on your new adventures in the far north and look forward to a time when our Scouting journeys cross again. Thank you and know that your always part of the Troop 893 Family. Family isn't always blood. It's the people [...]

By |June 2nd, 2019|Categories: Boys Troop News|0 Comments
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