"Simply The Best"

Boys Troop 893

Boys Troop 8932023-05-28T14:21:16+00:00

Welcome to Boys Troop 893

Boy Scout Troop 893 is chartered by Centreville United Methodist Church (CUMC), 6400 Old Centreville Road. We meet on Tuesday’s at CUMC from 7:00 to 8:30 pm in full Class A uniform. Members of Troop 893 are given the user name and password for full access to the site. If you are interested in additional information about Troop 893, please contact Scoutmaster Christian Wilson (scoutmaster.troop893@troopmaster.email).

Upcoming Events

June 25 – July 1:  Summer camp @ Camp Sinoquipe
July 28-30: Camping @ Sky Meadows State Park
Aug 11-13:  Camping @ Marsden Tract
Sep 8-10:  Camping @ Antietam National Battlefield Park
Oct 6-9: Climboree @ Mountaineer Scout Camp

Latest Boys Troop News

Troop 893 maintains all the Scout Records in Troop Master.  Log in using the button below to access Advancement details, get Patrol Rosters, etc.  Members of the troop have personal UserId’s and Passwords.  If not, see contact advancementchair.troop893@troopmaster.email.

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