51st Anniversary Family Canoe Trip
WHAT: The Troop’s biggest, most fun-filled event, the 51st Anniversary of our Annual Memorial Day Family Canoe Trip, May 24-26, 2024.
WHERE: South Fork of the Shenandoah River, near Bentonville, Virginia with the Downriver Canoe Company.
WHO: All Troop 893 registered Scouts, former Troop members, all Venturing Crew 893 registered Venturers, their families, and friends. This is a family event, but because it is also a Scout event, ALCOHOL IS NOT ALLOWED. Transportation, camping, grub master duties, cooking, cleanup, and canoeing or kayaking are done by families (or arranged by families), not by the Troop or by patrols.
WHEN: Set up camp before nightfall Friday, eat, sleep, canoe, and be home on Sunday evening. Families may informally meet in the parking lot of CUMC at 5:30 Friday evening (or any other target time you arrange) if you need to go with others. All forms are in the original email, along with maps and directions. Directional signs / orange cones will be posted by 4 or 5 pm at the latest.
WHY: Because it’s fun and because we can!
$148 per Canoe
$99 per Kayak
$115 per Canoe
$77 per Kayak
NOTE: Minimum age for kayakers is 14, and if a canoer is under 14, there must be an adult over 18 in the canoe. No more than three people may occupy a canoe, and the middle person should be small. Must be 5 years or older to go on the river, younger family members may still camp.
A family’s registration for this event is complete when they have delivered all forms and made payment to Troop 893. Forms may be dropped off at any regular Troop meetings REGISTRATION DEADLINE: FRIDAY, MAY 17th, 2024. If other arrangements need to be made please contact the event organizers.
CJ Staton will be the point of contact for gathering the necessary paperwork for registration, please email both statoncj@gmail.comif you have questions.