Scoutmaster Minute: Another dose of Mother Nature abilet a little sloppy always makes for fun weekend…hope you had chance to enjoy the snow yesterday. This week you will be leveraging your pioneering skill again. It does appear that bit more superivision in necessary when item are taken back to the trailer. I stop to look an had to take care several items that we not stored properly. Quartermasters will need to keep close tabs going forward. That does not mean QMs are the doers, but must manage the process of getting and returning Troop equipment. We are 2 weeks out from the Klodike Derby so please get yourself prepared to have some fun.
Final today, please take a moment to recognize the courage and conviction of Martin Lurther King, Jr.
While the following quote was spoken in the context of building civil rights equity, it is also applicable to everyones personal journey…don’t stop.
If you can’t fly then run, 
if you can’t run then walk, 
if you can’t walk then crawl, 
but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.
– Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • PLEASE make sure you sign up for Klondike Derby here.We need to register and pay for all those attending, this also helps us determine how many patrols we can field for the competition.
  • ### We need volunteers that can transport the Klondike Sleds to/from Camp Synder, does not require camping.
  • Remember that the Patrol assigned to run a meeting also has clean up duty….meaning your Patrol should be the last to leave with approval of SPL and Scoutmaster.
  • Scouts seeking rank advancement should check with the Advancement Chair prior to requesting Scoutmaster Conference and be in Class A uniform.
1. This Week Jan 18: Klondike Station/Preshakedown (SPL/ASPLs)
Uniform Class B
The Senior Leadership team will run a preshakwdown session for the Klondike and work together on plans for the Klondike station our Troop will run. 
Scouts needing to complete grubmaster requirements should be prepared to step forward (check your book). Each Scout attending the Klondike should bring $15 for the grubmaster.
Patrols should be prepared to compete in the Chili Cook Off as well so keep that in mind when planning the menu…..great chance to use dutch oven for some hearty meals.
PLEASE make sure you sign up for Klondike Derby here.
2. Outing Jan 23 : Hike at Bull Run Mountain Conservancy (Any)
Uniform Class B

We will hike 5 miles at the Bull Run Mountain Conservancy, trail map is located here. The hike will start at 9 AM and should be done by noon.
Dress appropriately (no sneakers) and bring your ten essentials!  Sign up here:

3. Look Ahead Week Jan 25: Klondike Shakedown (All)
Uniform Class B
Patrols will finalize plans for Klondike, including patrol gear check by Quartermasters. This meeting will include discussion of cold weather camping. It is critical that Scouts & Parents be reminded that cotton is terrible since it does not wick moisture that will build up during the day’s activities. Changing cloths, socks is the best option for staying warm and comfortable. Layering is key to regulating temperature.
Winter Weather Conditions necessitate proper gear. Any Scout arriving at the Friday assembly unprepared, no coat, hat, gloves, sneakers will be asked to show them or will not be able to depart. Repeat no sneakers.
We will apply the C – O – L – D method to assure staying warm (see below). Each Scout should bring at least 3 changes of socks…we will be stopping to have them change them throughout the day.

Clean – Since insulation is only effective when heat is trapped by dead air spaces, keep your insulating layers clean and fluffy. Dirt, grime, and perspiration can mat down those air spaces and reduce the warmth of a garment.


Overheating  Avoid overheating by adjusting the layers of your clothing to meet the outside temperature and the exertions of your activities. Excessive sweating can dampen your garments and cause chilling later on.


Loose Layers  – A steady flow of warm blood is essential to keep all parts of your body heated. Wear several loosely fitting layers of clothing and footgear that will allow maximum insulation without impeding your circulation.


Dry  – Damp clothing and skin can cause your body to cool quickly, possibly leading to frostbite and hypothermia.  Keep dry by avoiding cotton clothes that will absorb and hold moisture. Always brush away snow that is on your clothes before you enter a heated area. Keep the clothing around your neck loosened so that body heat and moisture can escape instead of soaking several layers of clothing.

4. OUTING Jan 28-30: Klondike Derby (All)

Uniform Class A (with B under)
Arrive at CUMC to load the trailer by 6pm. Eat dinner prior or bring it with you.
All Scouts must turn in a hard copy of the permission slip to SPL at this gathering (this will be attached to next Troop News).
JAN 28-30: Klondike Derby @Camp Snyder 
FEB 6 & 27: Merit Badge University
MAR 1: Leadership Elections
MAR 18-20: Campout @Sky Meadows
MAR 29: Spring Court of Honor
MAY 6-8: New Scout Campout @Poplar Grove (Thurmont, MD)