Scoutmaster Moment
This weekend was an eventful weekend for Troop 893G History with two Eagle Courts of Honor in a 3-day timeframe. M. S. and C. A.  celebrated their achievement of earning Eagle, wrapping up the Troop’s Inaugural Eagle celebrations. One of my favorite parts of any Eagle ceremony is watching the new Eagle taking the oath with all present Eagles behind them, showing the breadth of this group.  Watching all 3 ceremonies really shows how much work each of the scouts have worked in their Scouting careers to reach this point, and from their displays how much fun they have had.  I hope the members of the troop were able to join in the celebration and see the path they have shown.  Weekends like this warm a Scoutmaster’s heart.
The knowledge that we have brother scouts working in the same uniform, to the same ends, in the same way, in all corners of the Empire, cannot but make scouts proud of their brotherhood, and cannot fail to bring them into closer sympathy.
-Robert Baden-Powell
Warm Weather and the Activity Field
The meeting this past week finally felt like maybe Spring is truly arrived. The sun stayed up a bit later, the grass is growing, and the bugs are out.  Remembering the Scouting Essentials may be a good idea for meetings, including bug spray.
This Week  – 6/8 – PLC
Uniform: Field Uniform (Class A)
Location: CUMC Activity Field 
This week there is no general troop meeting, we will have a PLC with limited roles attending (noted below).
Each Scout does have a responsibility to respond to their patrol leadership and provide ideas for the good of the troop. This PLC will plan for meeting activities and outings through late July.
Ideas can be found within the Program Resources book (linked here, and will be physically present during discussion). Some upcoming meetings should include welcoming new scouts to the troop and helping them ramp up skills while polishing/advancing those of current scouts.
• Program Features (meeting plans by activity):
• Meeting Activities (lots of games):
Purposes of Troop Meetings
• Prepare for outings.
• Learn and practice Scouting skills.
• Exercise leadership.
• Strengthen patrols.
• Promote advancement and personal growth.
• Inspire Scouts.
• Have fun.

This PLC will be a limited group focusing on planning.  All participating Scouts should be in uniform, have something to take notes with, and have one meeting idea with completed plan with them (template attached). Roles expected to participate in this PLC:

Patrol Leaders

Swim Test – 6/12
A swim test is required for all summer camp attendees each year (youth and adults), it is also part of requirements for both Second Class and First Class.  Campers who cannot attend this date will likely need to do this on arrival at camp.
We have reserved Cub Run RECenter on June 12 for 2 sessions of swim tests.
Scouts with swimming experience are encouraged to attend the 1st session (1-2pm)
Those with less experience should attend the 2nd session (2-3pm)
Everyone should arrive ready to swim so we can move through this process as quickly as possible.
Below is what a Scouter is expected to do. You can also review this video to see the test in action (

Swimmers testJump feet first into water over the head in depth. Level off and swim 75 yards in a strong manner using one or more of the following strokes: sidestroke, breaststroke, trudgen, or crawl; then swim 25 yards using an easy resting backstroke. The 100 yards must be completed in one swim without stops and must include at least one sharp turn. After completing the swim, rest by floating.

Beginners testJump feet first into water over the head in depth, level off, and swim 25 feet on the surface. Stop, turn sharply, resume swimming and return to the starting place.

Anyone who has not completed either the beginner or swimmer tests is classified as a nonswimmer.

Next Week  – 6/15 – Troop Meeting
Uniform: Field Uniform (Class A)
Location: CUMC Activity Field 
This meeting will be virtual due to summer camp COVID protocol and limiting .  Meeting invite data will be provided on day of meeting.
Final topics to be determined at PLC (but will include some camp prep discussion)
Upcoming Activities per PLC
Patrols should plan ahead so meetings can be online (virtual) if necessary.  Alternatively, activities could be planned as a weekend outing outside.
Patrols Leaders are reminded that plans for meetings should be submitted to the SPL and Scoutmaster 2 weeks in advance (at minimum). Meeting plans should have details for what will happen.  Information for Troop News inclusion should also be provided (items Scouts should bring to the meeting, and short statement of what the meeting will be about).
6/8 – PLC
6/15 – Virtual meeting (due to pre-Summer Camp “quarantine” protocol
6/22 – **No Meeting** Troop at Summit for camp
Awards Opportunities 
Religious Emblem Opportunity (Catholic emblem)
A note sent out on 3/23 mentioned BSA Religious Emblems program and an offer from Ms. Kris to mentor any Scouts interested in earning the Catholic emblem.  Please reach out to her if you are interested in this opportunity.  The religious knot is one of the few BSA recognition awards that transfer to the adult uniform when earned as a youth. The other two are Arrow of Light earned while in Cub Scout program and the Eagle rank.
EPA 50th Anniversary BSA Award
To commemorate the agency’s 50th anniversary last year, the Boy Scouts of America and EPA signed a memorandum of understanding to create a special award, encouraging those in the Scouts BSA program to strive to protect the environment. The award, which features a patch, requires Scouts to earn environmental and community health-focused merit badges and participate in a service project.”
Can only be earned in 2021 (MB can be earned before 2021), requires:
  • 6 Environmental or Public Health service hours during 2021
  • Public Health Merit Badge
  • 1 Animal Study MB
  • 1 Outdoor Activity MB
  • 1 Earth Science MB
Congressional Award Recognition
Did you know there is a congressional award that encompasses activities you do as a Scout? You read that correctly, by being active in Scouting activities you could earn the Congressional Award.  See the Bryan on Scouting article for more information.  Important Tip: you must register for the program before working off items (this is not an “after the fact” submission)
Service Opportunities
All ranks require service hours, Life rank also requires at least 3 hours be Conservation related 
The Sully District Twilight Camp is looking for volunteers to help – both Scouts and Adults are needed.  This camp is a day camp geared to Cub Scouts that happens at Izaak Walton in June, this is a great way to provide service to the District, and to show local Cub Scouts what the 893G Scouts can do (good recruitment!)
When: June 21-25 5-9pm (same week as Summit summer camp)
Who: Mrs Shen is the camp director, let her know if you are interested
Camp Snyder Work Days – These are monthly days where volunteers are invited out to Camp Snyder to help keep it in condition to support the many scouting units and events in the Council.
NCAC Scouting at Home page
DelMarVa Council Scouting from Home Page
This page has Merit Badge info, but also has a great “Trail to First Class” Knowledge Library to help you work on rank advancement from home.  These include links to videos on some of the requirements to help review.
Tread Lightly online course (free)