Scoutmaster Minute: I am happy to report that we have locked in 2 outings for the spring, 1) the New Scout Campout (NSC) will be April 16-8 and 2) the Annual Family Canoe trip over Memorial Day weekend. We are using a new location for NSC in Maryland that is just around the corner from Camp David where US President’s hang out now and then. Troop 893 was the first group reservation with DownRiver Canoe company in 1974 and we have only missed a few years due to high water or pandemics. This is a treasured family outing and I am really excited to get this back on the calander so watch for more information. We also are ready to start getting everyone ready for summercamp, also a very awesome location at Summit’s Camp Justice (did I mention the 3/4 mile zipline!).

Given the current circumstances we are looking for options to keep everyone moving forward. That means a transition to a modified Merit Badge University to make the best use of our time. As noted previously, the success and value of this endevor is dependent on Scouts providing a timely response in reporting any partial merit badges. This will help the Committee assess how best to organize and adress those gaps with Merit Badge Counselors. Finally, we have a number of AOL Scouts looking to cross-over to the Troop 893 family in the coming months. An outing will be scheduled soon to help introduce those Scouts to the Troop and finalized some AOL requirements.

If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.

―  Séneca


  1. This Week – Tuesday JAN 19, 2021

NOVA CORP + will be working directly with Mr. Staton on First Aid Merit Badge. Scouts participating in this meeting have already been notified and provided supporting materials. If this applies to you, meaning you have not earned First Aid MB, but you have not received an email please advise ASAP.

EVERYONE ELSE: If you would like the Merit Badges offered in the coming weeks to reflect what you need, then I strongly encourage you to complete the following tasks before Tuesday.

Whatever is posted by Tuesday evening will dictate what gets offered. If you need help, we can set up a session to review. I am certain that if you read the directions this should be a pretty straight forward assignment.

Task 1: Download TroopMaster Mobile App

Google Android Devices

      1. Tap the Google Play Store icon on your device.
      2. Tap the search field or icon (magnifying glass) > search for “Troop Master Mobile”.
      3. Tap the result TM Mobile > Install > follow the onscreen instructions to complete the download.
      4. Once you have downloaded the app, tap Open or locate the TM Mobile icon in your apps screen > open the app.

Apple iOS Devices

      1. Tap the Apple App Store icon on your iPhone or iPad.
      2. Tap the search icon (magnifying glass) in the navigation bar > search for “Troop Master Mobile”.
      3. Tap Get next to the TM Web app icon > tap Install > enter your Apple ID password or Touch ID.
      4. Once downloaded, tap Open or tap the Square icon in your Home Screen to open.

Task 2: Log into Account

  1. After downloading the TroopMaster mobile app, apply the UserID and Password to access your account. Do this by clicking the Settings which is the crossed pick axe symbol top right.
  2. Then Sync the app so all of the Scouts data is loaded properly. Be patient it may take a little while to complete a full synchronization.
  1. If you have forgotten your UserID and Password, go to click on the Forgot Password link to reset.
  2. If you are still are unable to login, send a request toAdvancement.Troop893@troopmaster.emailfor assistance.

Task 3: Enter Partial Eagle MBs

Since face-2-face meetings @CUMC are on hold thru the end of January, we would like to focus attention on incomplete Merit Badges (aka partials). That means we need to generate an assessement of open Blue Cards for partials on Eagle required Merit Badges. This will help leadership organize sessions to focus on missing requirements in the most efficient manner possible.

In the app, click on the following icon, go to Partial MB, select the MB and enter the date for each completed requirement. Once finished make sure you sych, otherwise we dont see the data entered.

Key Dates

JAN xx: Outing/Activity TBD
FEB xx: Outing/Activity TBD
MAR xx: Outing/Activity TBD    
APR 16-18: New Scout Campout – Poplar Grove, Catoctin Mtns
MAY 28-20: Annual Family Canoe Trip    

JUN 20-26, 2021 Summer Camp @Summit

Kevin Morley
Scoutmaster, Troop 893

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