Scoutmaster Minute: Welcome to 2021! We would like to take this opportunity to recalibrate and get all the Scouts in a position to monitor and track their progress…literally put responsibility in the plam of thier hand. The tasks outlined below are designed to support that activity and will help leadership make some informed decisions about how to stucture this years Merit Badge University (MBU). Given current limts on meetings @CUMC, we will seek to replace Tuesday meetings with MBU type offerings and/or weekend outings that are under consideration by the PLC.

An individual step in character training is to put responsibility on the individual. 

– Robert Baden-Powell

  1. This Week – Tuesday JAN 5, 2021 @ 7pm via ZOOM (details to follow)

Complete the following Tasks prior to the meeting. The Zoom meeting will be an opportunity to troubleshoot and demonstrate how to enter advancement information.

Task 1: Download TroopMaster Mobile App

Google Android Devices

      1. Tap the Google Play Store icon on your device.
      2. Tap the search field or icon (magnifying glass) > search for “Troop Master Mobile”.
      3. Tap the result TM Mobile > Install > follow the onscreen instructions to complete the download.
      4. Once you have downloaded the app, tap Open or locate the TM Mobile icon in your apps screen > open the app.

Apple iOS Devices

      1. Tap the Apple App Store icon on your iPhone or iPad.
      2. Tap the search icon (magnifying glass) in the navigation bar > search for “Troop Master Mobile”.
      3. Tap Get next to the TM Web app icon > tap Install > enter your Apple ID password or Touch ID.
      4. Once downloaded, tap Open or tap the Square icon in your Home Screen to open.

Task 2: Log into Account

  1. After downloading the TroopMaster mobile app, apply the UserID and Password to access your account. Do this by clicking the Settings which is the crossed pick axe symbol top right.
  2. Then Sync the app so all of the Scouts data is loaded properly. Be patient it may take a little while to complete a full synchronization.
  1. If you have forgotten your UserID and Password, go to click on the Forgot Password link to reset.
  2. If you are still are unable to login, send a request toAdvancement.Troop893@troopmaster.emailfor assistance.

Task 3: Enter Partial Eagle MBs

Since face-2-face meetings @CUMC are on hold thru the end of January, we would like to focus attention on incomplete Merit Badges (aka partials). That means we need to generate an assessement of open Blue Cards for partials on Eagle required Merit Badges. This will help leadership organize sessions to focus on missing requirements in the most efficient manner possible.

In the app, click on the following icon, go to Partial MB, select the MB and enter the date for each completed requirement. Once finished make sure you sych, otherwise we dont see the data entered.

Kevin Morley
Scoutmaster, Troop 893

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