Scoutmaster Moment
This week our troop was scattered to various summer activities. Interestingly, all to Scout related activities!. Our meeting was a small group enjoying some fellowship with games. The girls at Philmont with the 893 Crew returned to base camp after their trek, and one scout attended World Scouting Jamboree (WSJ) in West Virginia with her family. This is the 24th WSJ, and was last hosted by the US in 1967. They are held every 4 years, 2023 will be held in South Korea. You can see many of the activities at this year’s “Jambo” online at As a side note, many countries have included girls in scouting for many years and news reports indicate that 40% of scouts attending this year’s jamboree are girls 🙂
Differences exist between the peoples of the world in thought and sentiment, just as they do in language and physique. The war has taught us that if one nation tries to impose it’s particular will upon others, cruel reaction is bound to follow. The Jamboree has taught us that if we exercise mutual forbearance and give-and-take, then there is sympathy and harmony. If it be your will, let us go forth from here determined that we will develop among ourselves and our boys that comradeship, through the world-wide spirit of the Scout brotherhood, so that we may help to develop peace and happiness in the world and goodwill among men.– Lord Baden-Powell, at first Jamboree in 1920
Photos from the week

This week – 7/30 – Troop Meeting (7-8:30pm)
Uniform: Class A (tan shirt)
Location: CUMC
- Work off available open rank requirements – Elena & Megan
- Waterpark trip is scheduled for 8/4: decide on park and meeting time/location
- Adult assistance is needed for this meeting while Schuetz Family is attending WSJ
Next week – 8/6 – Troop Meeting (7-8:30pm)
Uniform: Class A (tan shirt)
Location: CUMC
It is time for a PLC and planning for coming meetings. Bring your ideas, note pad (and pen), and schedule.
Last Summer Climbing Event – August 3 @ Buzzard Rock
Uniform – Class B
Last chance of the summer for fun rock climbing at Buzzard Rock, which was big hit for scouts in the boy troop that climbed during the March campout. The waivers are 100% required, no exception, plus $10 equipment fee.
Saturday August 3 – 0800-1600 Buzzard Rock, VA
893 Fundraising
The 893 units (Troops, Pack, and Crew) a participating in a new fundraiser this year, JackLinks beef jerky and beef sticks. Please Mr. Taylor’s email from 6 July for details. A number of sales booths have been set up for all units to use jointly, please sign up via SignUpGenius. Scouts are able to do sales outside of booths if they wish (neighbors, family…) See attached order form.
Many of the previous booth dates have been removed for easier access. There is another booth scheduled fro 3 August, please be sure to sign up for some time (currently lots of openings!).
Upcoming Service Opportunities
Providing service is a key part of Scouting, to do our daily good turn. Helping others often in turn helps ourselves with new experiences and opportunities for growth. This is built into requirements for most ranks. I’m adding a new section to the weekly notes to list any upcoming service opportunities that may help the Community, and progress in your trail to Eagle.
- CUMC Grace Ministries is a monthly program through our charter organization held on the 2nd Saturday of each month, with prep the Friday night before hand, help is needed at both the Friday set up and on Saturday morning to bring goods to cars
- More info can be found under Grace Ministries on the CUMC Food Ministries page:
- To sign up to help contact:
Key Dates (mark your calendar)
also available from Troopmaster subscription calendar
- Aug 3 – last 893 summer climbing event
- Aug 4 – Troop outing: waterpark (time TBD)
- Aug 16-18 – campout Prince William Forest
- Aug 27 – T893 Back-to-School Picnic