Scoutmaster Minute
This week we held the first elections for the troop and selected all positions. This is a step in the right direction as a Scout-led troop. I am sure all our new leaders will serve with distinction in support of the troop, and should know that all members of the troop are involved to provide support.
– Lord Baden-Powell
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.– John F. Kennedy
Photos of the Week
This week’s photos are from the rope activity at the meeting, and Eagle project support

Rank Advancements
This week we recognized three scouts, who earned rank last week. One more completed after the meeting – and I’m sure we’ll have more at the Outdoor Skills Day.
Scout Rank:
- Elena Taylor
- Christina Alvarez
- Megan Staton
- Isabella Pazos
This week – 3/23 – Outdoor Skills Day (all day: 9am – 8pm)
Uniform: Class B (t-shirt) – this is a correction from last week’s note
Location: CUMC Activity Field & Pavilion (across side street from church)
- Full day of outdoor skills
- Cooking demonstration with Scout assistance
- Camp kitchen clean up
- Practical knot use
- Respecting the Flag: folding, raising, & lowering
- Axe yard and safety
- Fire building & fire safety
- games
- Evening campfire program (including songs & skits)
- Food
- Outdoors Skills Day was to be a discussion at this past week’s meeting, particularly food planning, and we ran out of time during the meeting. We will have food as part of the days events. The draft menu is as follows:
- morning snack – donuts
- lunch – quesadillas
- afternoon snack – dutch oven dump cake
- dinner – hamburgers & hotdogs
- $10 covers food costs for the day, we need a headcount of scouts and leaders attending.
- Outdoors Skills Day was to be a discussion at this past week’s meeting, particularly food planning, and we ran out of time during the meeting. We will have food as part of the days events. The draft menu is as follows:
- What do bring
- Wear activity uniform (troop t-shirt)
- dress for weather, layers are good idea
- wear sturdy shoes (hiking shoes advised, hopefully the ground will dry up more with sun this week)
- Day bag with
- pocket knife
- water bottle
- sun protection
- handbook
- ideas for song and skit (one each)
- $10 for food costs
Next week – 3/26 – Court of Honor (8-9pm)
Uniform: Class A (tan shirt)
Location: CUMC chapel
- First Court of Honor (CoH)
- celebration & refreshments
- Family encouraged to attend, celebrate the troop’s achievements
Families are asked to bring drinks & refreshments, coordination support is requested so we don’t all wind up with packages of Oreos 🙂 Please use the Sign-up Genius list to sign up. Family are welcome to celebrate scout achievements.
Refreshment sign up:
Elections & Positions
The troop has elected a Senior Patrol Leader, and the Rascal Rabbits Patrol has elected a Patrol Leader, congratulations to Christina Alvarez and Megan Staton! I met with Christina and we have completed the positions roster:
- SPL – Christina Alvarez
- PL – Megan Staton
- Scribe – Elena Taylor
- Historian – Isabella Pazos
- Webmaster – Rowan Causley
- Chaplain’s Aide – Caitlin Schuetz
- Quartermaster – Jayna Farver
Summer Camp: 6/23-29
Summer camp info was sent out earlier, please register online via the troop link to attend and see Mr. Steve Barnett at a Tuesday meeting to pay. All scouts will take Swimmer and First Aid merit badges during summer camp, and the girls will help select at least one other to take together that can be completed that week. Remaining camp activities are Scout Choice, with recommendation that camp is a great time to take outdoors badges (camping, shooting, etc) as opposed to more studious or specialist (nuclear science, aviation…) Don’t forget this is summer camp, not school in the woods and to plan on fun activities too!
Troop Fundraising
As a new troop we are trying to go do fun stuff but also be fiscally responsible. We have an opportunity to raise some funds via “Camp Cards”. These cards are sold for $5, and half of that goes to the troop (and cool stuff we do). Cards can be used for discounts from local major retailers which are greater than $5 is just one use – so a good deal. Information was provided last week. At the previous meeting we mentioned the possibility of beef jerky boxes as fundraiser too, more info will be available soon on this. Cards will be available at our next troop meeting. Both troops are trying to have options for fundraising.
Scoutmaster “Office Hours”
I will be available most Tuesdays before our regular Tuesday night meetings at 7:30pm and on some non-meeting Tuesdays if you need to meet with me for conferences or just have anything you wish to discuss. Let me know if you plan to be there in case I have any planned work travel or other conflicts.
Upcoming Service Opportunities
Providing service is a key part of Scouting, to do our daily good turn. Helping others often in turn helps ourselves with new experiences and opportunities for growth. This is built into requirements for most ranks. I’m adding a new section to the weekly notes to list any upcoming service opportunities that may help the Community, and progress in your trail to Eagle.
- CUMC Grace Ministries is a monthly program through our charter organization held on the 2nd Saturday of each month, with prep the Friday night before hand, help is needed at both the Friday set up and on Saturday morning to bring goods to cars
- More info can be found under Grace Ministries on the CUMC Food Ministries page:
- To sign up to help contact:
- Benjamin Powers from 893BT will be installing a flag pole at the CUMC activity field on March 24 from 1-4pm
- CUMC Spring Cleanup, an annual Troop 893 Spring clean up of CUMC grounds: April 6…details forthcoming.
- CUMC Grace Ministries is a monthly program through our charter organization held on the 2nd Saturday of each month, with prep the Friday night before hand, help is needed at both the Friday set up and on Saturday morning to bring goods to cars
Key Dates (mark your calendar)
also available from Troopmaster subscription calendar
Mar 24: Powers’ Eagle Project (CUMC Activity field)Mar 23: outdoor skills day, 9am – 8pmMar 26: Court of HonorApr 6: Service Project – CUMC clean upApr 9: Troop Meeting (CUMC)Apr 15-19: FCPS Spring BreakApr 26-28: “New Scout Campout” annual Boys Troop event, details pendingMay 24-26: Troop 893 Annual Family Canoe Trip campoutJune 23-29: Summer Camp at Goshen Scout Reservation, Camp Olmsted