1Spring Court of Honor: April 3 @ CUMC (All Patrols)
Uniform – Class A (MB or OA Sash)

A.     The Troop 893 Spring Court of Honor will be held at Centreville United Methodist Church in the Sanctuary. The ceremony begins at 7:00 pm, so please plan accordingly.

All Troop 893 scouts, families, and friends are invited and encouraged to attend. Scouts will be receiving Merit Badges, Rank Cards, and other recognitions that they have earned over the past 6 months.

We will also recognize new members of Troop 893 and induct the new youth leadership for the next six month term.

B.     A small reception will follow with snacks and fellowship. For the reception, each family is asked to bring something to share as designated by last name, per below. We also need a couple volunteers to bring cups, dessert plates, & napkins for approx. 100 people. When you leave, please plan to take anything that remains of what you brought.

A – L:       Small dessert/snack
M – Z:     Beverage (one 2-liter bottle)

2Troop Leadership Training, Team Building, and Program Planning: April 8 @ CUMC Activity Field
Uniform – Class A
Important: All scouts in leadership positions are expected to attend troop leadership training on Sunday, 8 April from 8:30AM to approximately 4:00PM. 
We will do team building exercises (games!) and conduct refreshers on troop organization, position responsibilities, basic leadership skills, and begin planning troop activities for the next 6 months.
We will also need adult assistance for breakfast, snacks, and lunch.

3.  Key Dates 

April 3 – Spring Court of Honor

April 8 – Junior Leadership Training

April 27-29 – New Scout Campout

May 25-27 – Annual Canoe Trip

June 24-30 – Summer Camp @ Camp T Brady Saunders

July 27-29 – Horsemanship Campout

Aug 17-19 – Outing (TBD)

Sept 21-23 – Outing (TBD)
